Thank you everyone for this wonderful evening!


by Frederike Beha – Photos: Marcel Brünning

A short review: When I went online with the platform Business Model Toolbox one year ago, the core idea was to aggregate knowledge regarding different aspects of business model innovation and digital transformation including: tools, methods, and patterns. I then added the perspective: responsibility, which covers not only the usage of resources but also for the well-being of employees, honesty towards customers, and the economic sustainability for the business.

As a team, we learned a lot over the course of our first exciting year! We gained deeper insight into the needs of the individuals involved in designing business models as well as the nature of how these individuals use our platform. At the beginning of this year, we took an important decision to move the platform to the next level which has allowed us to work more efficiently and flexibly.


What’s next:

Our experiences and learnings showed us that implementing a newly designed business model at the operational level is a major challenge. Having a wealth of resources, but not knowing how to apply them… is not very helpful. For example, Wikipedia is great for learning, if you know which topics to search.

We therefore came up with the INSPIRATION BOX: an easy and fast way to receive guided feedback on your idea.


How does it work? After you submit your idea in the form of answering a short questionnaire, two to three of our experts and mentors will review your answers and send you feedback pertaining to their thoughts, ideas, and concerns.

Important to know: every month we select two entrepreneurs or social startups to use our service for free!

Further information on the Inspiration Box service, and the possibility to apply for these free spots, can be found >>HERE . We look forward to hearing about your ideas!

Last but not least: a huge THANK YOU to all of our awesome mentors and experts who are supporting the Inspiration Box! It was amazing to have them with us at our Birthday Bash.